Guernsey Homeopath

BSc LCHE MARH. For all your homeopathic needs you are very welcome to call Anita.

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What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a holistic medicine that translates from the Latin to mean ‘similar suffering’. It works on the principle of ‘like cures like’ where the properties of the homeopathic remedy are matched to the symptoms of the individual person. Many of the remedies are based on common plants that will be familiar to you. A well chosen remedy aims to stimulate the natural dynamic and intelligent tendency of the body to heal itself. The majority of homeopathic remedies are derived from the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms, they are safe and gentle, and non-addictive. They won’t cause toxic side effects because the remedies are made in infinitesimal small doses. Homeopathy is therefore suitable for treating all ages and all conditions. The initial homeopathic consultation will take around an hour and a half. A full medical history and details of significant life events will be taken into account. The second consultation will normally take place 4-6 weeks later and will be shorter – probably about an hour long. Because homeopathy is such a gentle form of medicine it is suitable for everyone, from newborn babies, children and teenagers through into adult life and old age.


£60 for a one hour consultation

Low cost clinic Saturday mornings (30 minutes) £25

Inclusive of homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathy can help you with...

Allergies – hayfever, asthma; eczema, psoriasis; digestive problems, IBS, grief, hyperactivity ADHD, indigestion, heartburn, migraines, headaches, insomnia, ME, chronic fatique, MS, menstrual disorders, ‘PMT’, fertility, thyroid conditions, blood pressure, depression and anxiety, eating disorders, rheumatism and arthritis, cystitis.
Homeopathy can also give support during other times in our lives like during pregnancy and birth, menopause, and even giving up smoking!